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This was a hands on course designed with the purpose of understanding programmable logic and assembly language. Using PIC microcontrollers for I/O  control subsystems. Included are the lab write ups as well as their corresponding code which was programmed using MPLAB. 


Microprocessors and microchips play an important role in today’s technology. My project was designed to apply the PIC16F84A microchip, to be used for controlling a simple dc motor tank-bot. The goal was to have a remote control tank, with an autopilot switch which ran a simple pre-determined path. Ideally I would have liked to have expanded this project to incorporate sensors, as well as solar cells. I hope to build off this project and create a “Sun-Chasing” tank whose task is to locate and move to a position in order to maximize sunlight.



Power Point: 

 Project DC motor.pptx


Project Write-up:



Assembly Code :



(NOTE: Click to watch video on youtube for better quality)

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.
DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.