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Arduino Flow Charts and Code Explanation:


Figure 56: Arduino Flow Chart


The above flow chart depicts the working of the code on the arduino. The working of the code is as follows:



Figure 57: Arduino Code Flow Chart, Node A



Node A

  1. Node A is attendance mode.
  2. Display Accepted message and sound buzzer
  3. Transmit TAG ID to server via XBee
  4. Return to Node 1


Figure 58: Arduino Code Flowchart, Node B

Node B



Server Flow Charts and Code explanation



Figure 59: Server Flow Chart


The above flow chart depicts the working of the code on the server end. The working of the code is as follows:



Figure 60: Server Code Flowchart, Node C


         The working of Node C and Node D is very similar. The only difference between the two is that each node outputs to a different output file. Node C outputs data to the attendance file while Node D outputs to LAB log file.

Node C


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